Financial Highlights

This is a summary of the financial highlights for DIGITAL HOLDINGS.

IR Information

2023 Consolidated Results (After Adjustment*1)

[Full-Year Consolidated Results]
(Unit: Millions of Yen)
2023 2022 Year-on-Year Change
Increase/(Decrease) Growth Rate
Revenue 16,624 16,924 (300) (1.7%)
Gross Profit 10,948 11,208 (260) (2.3%)
Operating Profit 616 (447) 1,063 -
EBITDA 2,008 9,983 (7,975) (79.9%)

*1:"Before Adjustment" valuesexclude the financial effect of the sale of the video distribution business of relaido, Inc. (formally Skill-up Video Technology, Inc.) in 2018 Q3.

Consolidated Management Indicators, etc. (Before Adjustment*2)

Accounting Month/Year December 2017 December 2018 December 2019 December 2020 December 2021 December 2022 December 2023
Sales (Millions of Yen) 82,602 87,216 89,953 88,768 98,515 16,924 16,264
Ordinary Profit (Millions of Yen) 1,921 1,669 2,833 4,358 14,662 (439) 378
Current Net Income Belonging to
Parent Company Shareholders
(Millions of Yen) 1,011 1,922 1,928 3,750 10,231 5,719 237
Comprehensive Income (Millions of Yen) 1,161 8,116 4,746 5,263 3,942 3,294 470
Net Assets (Millions of Yen) 18,813 27,133 32,601 39,072 40,930 36,245 33,892
Total Assets ※3 (Millions of Yen) 46,127 56,551 61,132 70,443 69,728 55,963 50,283
Net Assets per Share (Yen) 672.87 1,025.19 1,187.56 1401.00 1540.34 1,707.41 1,679.72
Current Net Income Amount per Share (Yen) 43.44 84.20 84.23 167.86 473.26 299.29 13.61
Current New Income Amount per Share
After Diluted Stock Adjustment
(Yen) 43.44 84.20 84.18 167.85 473.26 - -
Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) 33.0 41.5 44.5 44.1 46.8 53.3 58.3
Return on Equity (%) 6.3 9.9 7.6 12.87 32 18.31 0.80
Cashflow from
Operating Activities
(Millions of Yen) 2,047 1,497 1,405 2,179 12,135 (7,612) (3,436)
Cashflow from
Investment Activities
(Millions of Yen) (1,883) 3,593 (35) 1,575 2,987 4,699 (1,272)
Cashflow from
Financing Activities
(Millions of Yen) (2,973) (922) (520) 2,951 (4,832) (5,563) (3,056)
Cash and Cash Equivalents at
End of Period
(Millions of Yen) 15,417 19,598 20,398 27,054 37,539 26,471 18,860
No. of Employees (People) 1,573 1,627 1,508 1,571 1,518 1,022 1,031

*2: "Before Adjustment" values do not exclude the financial effect of the sale of the video distribution business of relaido, Inc. (formally Skill-up Video Technology, Inc.) in 2018 Q3.

*3: Partial amendments to Accounting Standards for Tax Effect Accounting (ASBJ statement No.28, February 16, 2018) were applied from the beginning of this reporting quarter; three month ended on March 31, 2019, and total assets and ratio of equity attributable to owners of parent as of December 31, 2018 which were revised retrospectively.